Q: What does the web site migration service involve? Will my site be safe?

A: The web site migration service available at Duoservers Global Web Hosting is absolutely free and consists of moving all your files, databases and emails from your present provider to your brand–new hosting account with us. We’ll also update all the settings necessary for your sites to be fully functional on our innovative cloud hosting platform.Our technicians are completely capable of transferring any sort of website. With years of experience behind their backs, they’re well–versed in the specificities of our cloud hosting platform, our Control Panel and all other popular Control Panels. For them, moving a custom app with a lot of custom libraries is as easy as moving a simple WordPress blog.

Q: What does the web site migration service involve? Will my site be safe?
Q: Just how long will the web site migration procedure take?

A: There are plenty of aspects to consider – the overall amount of files, the physical size of the database, the complexity of the website itself and the present workload of our web site migration experts, etc. That said, we do our best to implement all website migrations within a 48–hour time period. Smaller sites are transferred much faster – typically in less than 24 hours.

Q: Just how long will the web site migration procedure take?
Q: Do you need anything from me before you begin transferring my web site?

A: We will need the login information for your current web hosting provider’s Control Panel and the web site’s name (domain name).

Q: Do you need anything from me before you begin transferring my web site?
Q: The login details for my hosting account are delicate. How can I trust you?

A: Our Privacy Policy is an indivisible part of the contract that we’ll have with you as a client. We are committed to safeguarding the safety of the private information collected from the clients. To achieve this, we use technical security measures to prevent the loss, the misapplication, the modification or the unlawful disclosure of the personal details under our control. The security measures include, but are not limited to: physical, electronic and managerial methods to protect and secure the data that we acquire on the Internet. When we ask customers to provide financial information (for example, a debit card number), this info is encoded using the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption technology.

Q: The login details for my hosting account are delicate. How can I trust you?
Q: Will my web site be unavailable during the migration?

A: While we migrate your site, it will be available both in your hosting account with us and in your account with your former hosting provider. Once the transfer is completed, we will ensure that everything is working properly and that the integrity of your data is not jeopardized before informing you that the transfer is complete. Then we’ll tell you how to transfer the domain over to your hosting account with us and how to modify the DNS records.

Q: Will my web site be unavailable during the migration?
Q: Will my current web hosting provider need to do anything?

A: No. Aside from your login details for the Control Panel, we will not require anything. We’ll never touch base with your hosting provider. They won’t know anything about the migration either.

Q: Will my current web hosting provider need to do anything?
Q: Which hosting providers can you transfer content from?

A: We can migrate your site from any hosting provider or any Linux–powered web hosting platform provided that we can gain access to the Control Panel and there is FTP access available.The only websites that we’re unable to transfer are those based on closed–source software applications like Wix, BaseKit, Jimdo, Website Tonight, Four Square and Mr Site.

Q: Which hosting providers can you transfer content from?