Memcached is a famous caching system, which can enhance the loading speed and the performance of your websites considerably in case they use an API or a database. This is achieved by caching the calls to the database/API and the replies that are returned, so when a visitor searches for a given product on your website, for example, the database will not have to be accessed to display the results and the entire procedure will be executed much quicker. This is valid for all kinds of database-powered applications and not only for online shops, since every time a specific page is accessed, the app sends a request to its database to get the content that should be displayed. With Memcached, not only will your website load considerably faster, but it will also create much less server load. If any content in the database is changed, the cached responses will also be ‘refreshed’, so the site visitors won’t see any out-of-date information.

Memcached in Website Hosting

Memcached is offered as an upgrade with each and every website hosting account offered by our company and if you’d like to use it for any script-based site that you host on our leading-edge cloud platform, you’ll be able to add it in a couple of easy steps through your Hepsia hosting Control Panel. In the meantime, you’ll be given the option to upgrade two different things – the instances and the memory. The first one is related to the number of the Internet sites that can use the Memcached distributed memory object caching system at the same time, so if you need it for several Internet sites, you can order a handful of instances. The second one has to do with the total amount of memory that the system will be able to use in order to cache data, so for plenty of websites (or for one resource-intensive site), you’d better order more memory for better performance. The memory comes in increments of 16 megabytes and more memory can be added every time you need it. With the Memcached caching system, each script-based Internet site hosted on our cloud servers will open lightning-fast.