Being able to get in touch with your website hosting company any time you have any type of questions or encounter any issues is really important and how fast they'll reply and take action is usually crucial, in particular when your website is business-oriented, as more downtime can often mean losing potential customers. The support options are, in addition one way to recognize genuine providers from resellers. The latter usually reply just to e-mail messages or support tickets and you'll have to wait for a day or more in order to receive a response. If your issue requires a few replies, you could end up losing several days to get a simple problem solved. When you use a legitimate and reputable hosting provider, you should be able to connect with the support at any moment and get an instant reply whatever the issue or your question is - pre-sales, customer or tech one.

24/7 Customer Support in Website Hosting

Our Linux website hosting include 24/7/365 pre-sales, customer and technical support, so regardless if you're inquiring for our website hosting solutions well before you make a purchase or you're a current client and you have any kind of question or some issue, you are able to contact us anytime, including holidays and weekends. We have many channels to contact us - a couple of telephone lines worldwide for your convenience as well as live chat support for billing, pre-sales and general questions; email messages as well as support tickets for more complex matters or any matters that need additional time to research and handle. Unlike various other web hosting service providers, our trouble tickets feature a guaranteed maximum reply time of just one hour, which means that whatever the issue is, it will be resolved on time and you won't waste days in order to have something fixed.