Surely, the reliability of the hosting service is among the most important aspects that you should check before you order a web hosting plan, but also the account administration procedure shouldn’t be unreasonably complicated. You wouldn’t want to log in and out of separate admin panels all the time to perform a few basic tasks, would you? With the most popular Control Panels, there are at least 2 accounts for a website – billing and hosting, so you need to sign in and out of 2 different user interfaces to register a new domain, then to host it and to upload the website files for it. It would be far easier if you could administer everything related to your domains in one place and save lots of time and energy, not to mention that it’d be much easier to carry out certain tasks.

Feature-rich Domain Manager in Website Hosting

Administering your domain names and everything related to them will be unbelievably easy if you get a website hosting package through our company. The account itself will be administered via the avant-garde Hepsia Control Panel, an integral part of which is our feature-laden Domain Manager. The latter will permit you to handle all your domain names without difficulty – you’ll be able to register and to renew domains in bulk, to add Whois Privacy Protection to any of them or to change their DNS settings, to park and to redirect them with only a couple of mouse clicks. The Domain Manager also offers fast-access buttons and by clicking on any of your domains, you’ll be able to do lots of things – to keep an eye on visitor statistics, to set up email accounts or databases, to access the website files for the given domain and so on. The strength of our Domain Manager tool is that all these functions are available in one single place, so you won’t have to sign in and out of separate accounts, which will spare you lots of time.