A web hosting account is usually managed through an online-based Control Panel and includes considerably more services than only storing your site files on a web server. Using .htaccess files for a number of purposes, forwarding the traffic from one Internet domain to another or restricting the access to a site based on the guest's IP address are several examples of the features that are usually an integral part of using a hosting service and although these things can all be set up manually, we offer a variety of convenient tools that you can use as to take full advantage of any of them. Thus, it shall be able to use more innovative functions even in case you don't have any practical experience and you will be able to control your online presence better and easier.

Advanced Tools in Website Hosting

Because all website hosting packages include the Hepsia Control Panel, you will be able to employ our innovative tools regardless of the plan that you choose and through the very same intuitive interface which Hepsia comes with. All tools are very easy to use, so the options which they will enable you to utilize will not take more than several mouse clicks. With the .htaccess generator you shall be able to create language redirection, limit the access to your site from specific referrers or enable PHP code within HTML files. The IP address Blocking tool will enable you to stop the access to your websites based on the IP of the site visitors, whilst the Outgoing Connections manager shall allow you to restrict what remote servers your Internet sites could connect to. The tools inside Hepsia include Hotlink Protection, Password Protection, Sitemap Generator and other practical tools that will allow you to employ innovative features with no coding skills or previous experience required as they are all handled via the easy-to-use Hepsia interface.